Current Customers

Resources for current customers

We want to work with you to give your patrons the best possible experience. Are you redesigning your website, launching a new service, or seeing a rush of questions from a particular class? Do you want to know if a pie-in-the-sky idea is possible? Please let us know if you have any questions, feedback, or needs we can help with!

Info from you to us

  • Stable information: Information that doesn't change day-to-day can be put in your profile, which is a datasheet our librarians access each time they work with one of your patrons. We use a custom profile editor that walks you through the process of creating one, and handles all the formatting so you don't have to worry about it.
  • Time-sensitive information: Urgent information -- for example weather closures (especially unexpected ones that aren't posted on the website), database outages, or even new assignment information -- can be distributed to all staffers immediately via our private listserv. You should have already received instructions on how to do this, but if not please email us.
  • Feedback or confidential information: If you have feedback, questions, or non-urgent updates you can send them to the admin team at
overlapping hands

Info from us to you

  • LibraryH3lp blog: LibraryH3lp is constantly coming out with new features. While the blog will be most helpful for libraries who staff locally, it can also tell you about new and enhanced features you may wish us to take advantage of on your behalf.
  • LibraryH3lp Dashboard: You can review past and current transcripts at any time, and run a variety of reports via the LibraryH3lp dashboard.
  • Profile Editor: In addition to editing your profile, you can also preview the finished product to make sure it's still accurate and says what you want.
  • Schedule display: Trying to remember if we're scheduled to cover a holiday for you, or wanting to make sure a schedule change has been implemented? You can check your scheduled coverage at any time via the schedule display.
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